Scroll down to see the monthly Board meeting summaries “Splinters from the Board”

We are governed by a democratically elected Board of Trustees.

The Board is our church members’ voice between congregational meetings. Board members hold fiduciary responsibility, seeking to act in the church’s best interests. The Board meets monthly during most of the year, usually on the 4th Wednesday on Zoom. Church members may observe the meeting and/ or request to speak*. The minutes from each Board meeting, after approval at the following meeting, are available in a notebook in the Commons area. A short summary (Splinters from the Board) will be provided in the weekly newsletter, and posted below. Click here for Board Summary Report describing results of the April 2023 congregational survey.

UU Lansing’s shared governance system (sometimes referred to as Policy Governance) is an operating system in which the Board provides necessary guidance and establishes policy that allows the Senior Minister to fulfill management obligations on their behalf.  See more information and FAQs from the Board.

*see the Board Meeting Visitor Guide

  • Our Organizational Chart adopted on 9/28/22 shows the structure of our accountability to our Mission and Values. Ww use a Policy Governance system.

    Staff contacts for ministries:

    Spiritual and Community Life: Senior Minister

    Music and Worship Arts: Director of MWA

    Justice: Senior Minister

    Stewardship: Administrator

    The Senior Minister serves as Chief of Staff.

  • Our latest Bylaws took effect on January 1, 2023.

  • Our democratically elected Board of Trustees is responsible for our Policy and Governance.

  • Our comprehensive Board Policy Document was unanimously adopted in February 2022.

    All Board meetings are open to church members. If you would like to attend, please see our Board Meeting Visitor Guide.

  • Congregational Committees, described in the Bylaws, have some of the members elected by the congregation. The responsibilities and composition of the Investment Committee and Leadership Development Committee are summarized below. Click here for a list of members and terms.

    The Investment Committee consists of four members elected by the Congregation at the Annual Meeting and two members appointed by the Board. The Investment Committee manages the Endowment Fund in accordance with Board policies and determines the amount of interest income that may be used for church purposes . No proceeds from the Endowment Fund may be spent for salaries, program continuation, or routine building maintenance.

    The Leadership Development Committee consists of four members elected by the Congregation at the Annual Meeting as well as the Past President and President Elect of the Church. Its purpose is to educate, develop, and support church lay leadership for elected and appointed positions within UU Lansing and elected delegates to UUA General Assembly and MidAmerica Regional Assembly.

    • UU Lansing governance positions: Nominations occur at the Annual Meeting in November, and voting takes place (mail or electronic means) immediately following the meeting. The Committee identifies prospective candidates and presents a slate of nominees and invites nominations from the floor for open seats on the:

    o Board of Trustees, including Treasurer

    o Investment Committee

    o Leadership Development Committee

    • Delegates to General Assembly and Regional Assembly: The number of delegates is determined by the UUA based on number of congregation members. A slate of nominees is presented by the Leadership Development Committee at a congregational meeting called by the Board, with nominations invited from the floor. Voting to select delegates occurs at the congregational meeting.

Splinters from the Board

a monthly board summary