April 2023 Splinters
During April, your Board of Trustees surveyed our congregation to discern how well we, as a congregation and church, believe that we are meeting the Ends to achieve our desired outcomes. Ends are our church’s destination, and these Ends statements, listed here, define what the Board is holding itself and the Senior Minister accountable for producing.
As congregants of all ages, backgrounds, and beliefs, we:
• Travel our life and spiritual journeys with integrity.
• Articulate our Unitarian Universalist faith identity, share it with succeeding generations, and live it courageously in the world.
• Practice gracious hospitality, reaching across all manner of differences.
• Connect in loving relationship and cultivate belonging and inclusion.
• Work for peace, justice, and sustainability, in partnership with the larger community.
We hope to share our analysis of the 92 responses later this summer.
Other actions by the Board included appointing Margo Smith to fill a vacancy on our Board, appointing John-Marc Ormechea to fill a vacancy on the Leadership Development Committee, and continuing with our review of Shared Governance accountability and policy limitations.
If you have any questions regarding Splinters from the Board or the work of your Board, please reach out to us. We look forward to future engagement on these and other topics.
Deb Feltz, President president@uulansing.org
Tom Nicholas, President-Elect president-elect@uulansing.org