March 2023 Splinters
In our progress on Board policies, we reached another milestone in finalizing and approving our complaint process. The Board put this process in place because we realize that there are times when disagreements and complaints with the Board’s governing policies occur. In those such cases, direct communication is encouraged among the people involved, in the spirit of our Congregational Covenant. If individual conversations can’t fully resolve the problem, a person can refer to the Board’s process in 1.10 of the UU Lansing Board Policy Document.
Other actions by the Board included appointing Ralph Putnam to fill a vacancy on our Board and approving a congregational survey to discern how well we, as a congregation and church, are meeting the Ends to achieve our desired outcomes. The first section of this survey asks how you think we are meeting each of the Ends. The second section has some questions about your connections with the church. You can expect this survey to reach your email or postal mailboxes sometime in early April.
If you have any questions regarding Splinters from the Board or the work of your Board, please reach out to us. We look forward to future engagement on these and other topics. Our Next Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 26, 2023.
Deb Feltz, President
Tom Nicholas, President-Elect