October 2022 Splinters
Our biggest news is that we have new By-laws! The By-laws of The Unitarian-Universalist Church of Greater Lansing were approved by its members with amendments on November 6, 2022 to take effect January 1, 2023.
The Board hosted two town halls in October (one on Zoom and one in person) to inform our members of the proposed changes to our By-laws, which had not been updated since 2015, and to answer any questions. We also provided a form using Breeze where congregants could provide feedback and ask questions. The questions, comments, and feedback we received were very helpful to the Board in making additional changes to our proposal before presenting them to the voting members of the Congregation for discussion and final vote.
The membership also approved that term limits for Congregational Committees will be refreshed starting January 1, 2023. This means that if a committee member is finishing their third, two-year term in 2023 (that is, they are term-limited), they may still run again for election to that committee for two more two-year terms if they are nominated by the Leadership Development Committee.
We are excited by the possibilities in these changes and look forward to moving ahead toward building and supporting Beloved Community.
If you have any questions regarding “Splinters from the Board” or the work of your Board, please reach out to us. We look forward to future engagement on these and other topics. Our next Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 22, 2022.
Deb Feltz, President
Tom Nicholas, President-Elect