August-September 2023 Splinters
The Board of Trustees took a meeting break during July to work in small groups to prepare for upcoming meetings. At our August meeting, we heard from Sonya Norris, who stepped up to lead the Stewardship Team. She outlined for us the plans for this fall’s pledge drive. We accepted the Senior Minister’s compliance plan for Treatment of Members, Friends, and Visitors. We also discussed the results of an internal survey of the Board and Senior Minister relationship.
At our September meeting, we accepted the Senior Minister’s Operational Policies on Gift Acceptance and Living Our Values Team (LOV), which includes a Process for Feedback on Congregational Relationships and Congregational Operations. An updated Safe Church Policy is forthcoming; however, the current one is here. We also accepted three compliance monitoring reports from Rev. Neal: an emergency Senior Minister succession plan, an asset protection plan, and communication and support of the Board. Monitoring the operational limitations of the Senor Minister that the Board has defined as unacceptable (such as unethical or imprudent behavior) is an important part of the Board’s responsibility. The Board evaluates progress, made by the Senior Minister, toward UU Lansing’s desired outcomes within the constraints of these operational limitations.
We were updated on possible candidates for elected positions for 2024 for the Board, the Leadership Development Committee, and the Investment Committee. The Board evaluated its own policy on Board-Senior Minister relationship and agreed that the Board’s assessment of each monitoring report forms the SM’s performance appraisal. The cumulative summary of these assessments conducted through the year form the year-end appraisal of the Senior Minister.
Lastly, we reviewed the Next Steps report of UUA consultant Mark Ewert’s presentation on stewardship and how the Board might help the Stewardship Team in moving forward.
If you have any questions regarding Splinters from the Board or the work of your Board, please reach out to us. We look forward to future engagement on these and other topics. Our Next Board meeting is scheduled for October 25, 2023.
Deb Feltz, President
Tom Nicholas, President-Elect